By Sarah Ostergaard As summer winds down and families gear up to return to school, we look forward to a new school year fresh with opportunity. Hopefully, backpacks are being filled with supplies, the wardrobe is being refreshed with new pieces, after school arrangements are made, schedules are shared, andContinue Reading

Global expedition leader receives two national awards in July By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Dr. Tom Mullikin, a global expedition leader and chair of the S.C. Floodwater Commission, was named to the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame as a “distinguished master” on July 16: The induction taking placeContinue Reading

Members of the Lexington County School District One Board of Trustees will review superintendent search applications with the South Carolina School Boards Association on Wednesday, August 10. Board members will review applications intermittently between 9:15 a.m.–12 p.m. at Lexington District One Central Services, located at 100 Tarrar Springs Road inContinue Reading

by Matt Belyus Thank you for checking out the Valet Tech corner. We will be writing tech articles without all the tech jargon so you can better understand the technology and how it can benefit you. We wrote an article on various anti-virus software packages, but it didn’t do justiceContinue Reading