Congressman Joe Wilson has issued the following statement calling on Joe Biden and other administration officials to resign after putting American families at risk: “American families are more at risk of a terrorist attack than ever before. August 31, 2021 is a day of infamy. The Biden administration’s unconditional surrenderContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson, Senior Member of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees, participated in a press conference on President Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. He released the following statement:   “I am so grateful to Whip Steve Scalise, Congressman Brad Wenstrup, and my other Republican colleagues for condemning PresidentContinue Reading

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Joe Wilson, Senior Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement on President Joe Biden’s mishandled withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan: “Afghanistan is rapidly deteriorating as Taliban terrorists seize provinces and advance toward Kabul. It’s clear that peace talks are not the answerContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement commending Israel’s use of the Iron Dome: “It is encouraging to see the success of the Iron Dome, one of the world’s most sophisticated missile defense systems, in intercepting rockets launched by Iranian-backed Hamas. The Iron Dome has intercepted at least 90 percentContinue Reading

Today, Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement on introducing the No Taxpayer Funded Platform for Chinese Communist Act: “I am grateful to introduce this important piece of legislation that prevents U.S. taxpayer dollars from providing an open platform to representatives of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese CommunistContinue Reading

During his 1996 State of the Union address to Congress, President Bill Clinton stated, “The era of big government is over.” More than two decades later, President Joe Biden’s address to Congress articulated the exact opposite sentiment. His address painted a picture of a thriving America under higher taxes andContinue Reading

By Congressman Joe Wilson Coronavirus Resources Our country is still working to recover from the pandemic and it is important to stay healthy and safe. Please continue following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to help keep you, your family, and your friends protected against this disease. If you orContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement:   “This $1.9 trillion budget reconciliation package is nothing more than another wasteful wish list. This embarrassing legislation put forth by Democrats would use taxpayer dollars for frivolous big city projects and keep our schools closed as students continue to suffer. We mustContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement:   “Roxanne and I send our prayers to the family and friends of Rush Limbaugh. Rush’s enthusiasm, intelligence, and dedicated insight for American exceptionalism into so many important issues of our time made him a major force in broadcast journalism saving thousands ofContinue Reading

The newsletter on my work in Congress as the Representative for South Carolina’s Second District. Coronavirus Resources Our country is still working to recover from the pandemic and it is important to stay healthy and safe. Please continue following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to help keep you, yourContinue Reading