Lexington County deputies have arrested a man accused of shooting his wife to death at their Gaston home Saturday. The victim has been identified as Kia Riley, according to Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher. Alonzo James Riley, 33, is charged with murder and possession of a weapon during a violentContinue Reading

Lexington County 4-H returned from South Carolina 4-H State Congress July 10. The State Congress is an annual four-day personal development event is held at Clemson University. Senior 4-H members (ages 14-18) experience college life by staying in the dorms and eating at the college dining halls. Clemson University personnelContinue Reading

Lexington County has deteriorated thanks to so many subdivisions thrown up too quickly without rhyme or reason. We don’t have enough emergency services to handle the explosion, and roads cannot provide delivery of those we have. First responders cannot get through. Without side roads, and with the nature of lakeContinue Reading

Leadership Lexington County (LLC) is celebrating 25 years of developing leaders in the community. The 34 member class of 2019 graduated on January 9. Over the past 25 years, here is Leadership Lexington County by the numbers: 813 Total Graduates of LLC (1995-2019) 2019 Service Project raised over $80,000 toContinue Reading

The Lexington County Land Development Division has released a report outlining the progress made in mitigating the potential flooding hazards throughout the county. The report lists 22 action items identified by county officials and residents and published in the 2017 Floodplain Management Plan as important steps in addressing how theContinue Reading