The Richland County Soil and Water Conservation District has several opportunities for K-12 teachers, staff and students to get involved in conservation efforts as the school year kicks off. Conservation Education Mini-Grants Faculty and staff at public, private and alternative schools in Richland County are eligible to apply for Conservation EducationContinue Reading

Secretary of State Mark Hammond is offering eight free regional notary public seminars this summer and fall for all South Carolina notaries and those interested in becoming a notary. The Lexington County seminar will be held August 27 at the Midlands Technical College, Airport Campus. Doors will open one hourContinue Reading

The Social Security Administration has expanded online services for residents of South Carolina through its my Social Security portal at Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security, announced that residents can use the portal for many replacement Social Security number (SSN) card requests. This will allow people to replace theirContinue Reading

The House Legislative Oversight Committee has scheduled a meeting August 13, 2019, at 10 am in Room 110, Blatt Building to receive public input about the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services; Department of Education; Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services; Secretary of State’s Office; and South CarolinaContinue Reading

The Lexington County Land Development Division has released a report outlining the progress made in mitigating the potential flooding hazards throughout the county. The report lists 22 action items identified by county officials and residents and published in the 2017 Floodplain Management Plan as important steps in addressing how theContinue Reading

South Carolina Secretary of State Mark Hammond has announced $2.5 million will be distributed to cancer centers across the country as a result of a multi-state enforcement action against sham cancer charities. The $2.5 million was recovered through settlements of a landmark lawsuit against four affiliated sham charities – theContinue Reading

For the third consecutive year, South Carolina’s Motor Fuel User Fee, which helps support road, bridge, and infrastructure work in South Carolina, will increase from $0.20 to $0.22 per gallon beginning July 1. The increase is part of the South Carolina Infrastructure and Economic Development Reform Act passed by theContinue Reading