Letter to the Editor: For the 2020 presidential election all of the Lib/Dems from Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez through Bernie Sanders, all believe that America should be totally managed by some type/form of Democrat Socialism.  This is especially astounding since every time tried, it’s been an abject total failure, starting no furtherContinue Reading

Lexington County deputies apprehended six teens Sunday morning after responding to a reported armed robbery near Rocky Point Recreation Area in Chapin. “The victims were waiting at the dock to load a boat when six teens approached them from the woods and attempted to hijack their vehicle,” Lexington County SheriffContinue Reading

Allen Johnson and Jeffrey Vandenberg of PPG Aerospace Coatings Present a grant check to members of the Celebrate Freedom Foundation at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport, SC on Tuesday, June 11, 2019. PPG has been a long term supporter of the Foundation’s education and workforce development programs. Continue Reading

It’s not just uncomfortable outside – it’s dangerous. We haven’t reached the hottest days of the season, and there is already a very real threat of serious illness and/or death related to the heat and humidity. There are several factors that can make an individual more susceptible to heat-related issues.Continue Reading

Jim Williams, Jimmy Koosa, Tom Gwenski are PGA HOPE Certified golf professionals in our area. Williams is the Midlands area leader and what this organization focuses on is introducing, developing, and facilitating golf for military Veterans. According to Williams, The PGA Hope Program introduces golf to Veterans with disabilities to enhance theirContinue Reading

The Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Office (CCLMC) is in partnership with Nashville Country Music Star, Cody Webb. Webb grew up in Saluda County on Lake Murray and is proud to promote the Lake Murray Country region. “I’m so excited about this opportunity to represent Capital City/Lake Murray Country.Continue Reading

Tickets are now available for the Friends of the Irmo Branch Library’s presentation of “Death of a Hot Sauce Salesman,” a murder mystery dinner to be performed July 20, at The River Center at Saluda Shoals Park. Prescott Knight, owner of the Hot Knights Genuine Pepper Sauce empire, discovers onContinue Reading

In response to an increased need for asphalt workers across the state, the non-profit South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association (SCAPA) and its members have launched Asphalt Works., a statewide workforce development campaign that aims to spread the message about opportunities for advancement within the asphalt industry — and repair theContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District has announced its policy for free and reduced-price meals for children served in schools under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast program. School officials have adopted the following household size and income criteria for determining eligibility: Children from families whose income is at orContinue Reading