BY SHERIFF LEON LOTT [The following opinion-editorial piece was originally published in The State, Nov. 20, 2022] – “Northern California Sheriff announces indefinite suspension of daytime patrols citing catastrophic staffing shortage.” – “Philadelphia Police to allow unarmed civilian traffic officers, offer recruitment bonuses to retain staff.” These are just twoContinue Reading

The election on November 8th is very important. I realize most people concentrate on State and National levels, however, please know that your School Board races are just as important. Local election of school board members will impact your children most directly and your pocketbook most directly. We must demandContinue Reading

The proposed Penny Tax that we will be voting on in November will be the best way to get our Lexington County roads repaired. I am recommending that everybody VOTE YES FORROADS on November 8th. This 1% tax cannot last but a certain amount of time. It cannot be extendedContinue Reading

On September 10th Sarah Osgaard tackled the difficult issue of Critical Race Theory — a hot button issue in Irmo and the nation. She answered this question by explaining that critical race theory is not in our schools because technically and historically CRT is “a theoretical framework involving the historyContinue Reading

To the Editor: Though not a Lexington County native, I have lived here for 58 years. I feel fortunate to have chosen this place as my home. Excellent schools, medical facilities, businesses, and cultural amenities abound throughout the County. The people here are hard-working, honest, entrepreneurial, and dedicated to improvingContinue Reading

631, that is the total number of staff that have resigned, retired, refused a contract, or otherwise left our District since the new board majority took over in 2020. This number was obtained directly from the district. 581 staff have left our schools and 50 have left the District Office.Continue Reading

Amanda and her brother Matt have a chiropractic practice in Irmo called Midlands Family Chiropractic. But before that, they were OUR superstars. Jeff embarked on his first field trip to the zoo while he was in kindergarten. I was a nervous wreck worrying that no one would sit next toContinue Reading